The Liturgical Ministries challenge us to strengthen our Spiritual understanding and commitment by living out our Baptismal promise to serve and build up the Body of Christ.
Altar Servers – Boys and girls over the age of 11 are invited to become servers, under the direction and guidance of a Master of Ceremonies or a seminarian. Their primary role is to assist the celebrant at the altar during the Holy Mass and other liturgies.
Art and Environment – Members of this ministry use their artistic talents to create an atmosphere in the church that enhances worship. They decorate the church for the liturgical seasons and feast days in keeping with the occasion, as well as maintain the beauty of the church and its environs during the week.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion – These lay ministers serve the whole community by assisting the celebrant in the distribution of the Body and Blood of Christ to worshipers at Mass. To become Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion one must have received the Sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation, as well as training specific to this ministry.
Readers – This group of men and women have the privilege of bringing the sacred Scriptures of life. Lectors proclaim the Word of God at all weekend liturgies, daily Masses, and special occasions. Assignments are on a rotating basis. Training and workshops are held to assist the lectors to grow in the love of Sacred Scripture.
Mass Coordinators – These liturgical ministers are responsible for the delegation of duties before, during and after Mass. Mass coordinators must have an understanding of the liturgy, attend diocesan liturgy workshops, and be good communicators.
Mass Leaders – Members of this ministry are for seeing that there are a sufficient number of Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHC) available for each of the weekend liturgies. They are assigned to a specific mass and oversee the signing-in of the Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion.
Master of Ceremonies – Each weekend liturgy has a designated Master of Ceremonies assigned to assist the presider at Mass and to guide the altar servers. This individual must have a thorough understanding of the liturgy.
Music Ministry – From the very beginning, sacred music and liturgy have been closely related. In the words of Pope Benedict XVI,”…Mere words do not suffice when man praise God. Discourse with God goes beyond the boundaries of human speech.”
Sacristan and Assistants – These volunteers ensure that all the vestments, sacred vessels, linens, etc. are properly maintained and that anything needed for the liturgy is in place and ready to use.
Ushers/Hospitality – In addition to their primary responsibility of welcoming and seating parishioners and visitors at the weekend liturgies, these men and women gather the collection and attend to emergencies as they arise. After Mass, ushers assist in the distribution of the parish bulletin and prepare the church for the liturgies that follow.
If you are interested in volunteering, please call the parish office (760) 564-1255. Training is provided for all areas.