"Becoming a priest or a man or woman religious is not primarily our own decision...Rather it is the response to a call and to a call of love."
Pope Francis, Address to Seminarians and Novices, July 6, 2013
By virtue of our Baptism, all Christians are part of a common priesthood of believers. We are all called to participate in Christ's mission. Through the Sacrament of Holy Orders, bishops and priests are given a special role in carrying out this mission. They exercise a ministerial priesthood. Deacons also receive a special grace through ordination and are called to assist the ministry of bishops and priests [Catechism of the Catholic Church [CCC], nos. 1547,1554).
Pope Benedict XVI writes, "The priest is above all a servant of others" (Sacramentum Caritatis [Sacrament of Charity], no.23). In gathering the community, modeling Christ's love for the poor, presiding at Eucharist, and evangelizing social realities, ordained ministers help Christians imitate Christ's mission of love and justice.