"Let the children come to me; do not prevent them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these." - Mark 10:14
Baptism is the sacrament of new life. It is the entrance gate and foundation of the whole Christian existence. It is a sign of faith and conversion, of turning one's life towards Jesus Christ. Baptism brings the task of a lifelong growth and maturation in the faith, through Baptism we are received into the church community, we belong to her.
As registered, active members of this living faith community, formation preparation classes are offered to help parents and godparents to discover and renew the joy of their own faith life, as well as to motivate and inspire them to assume full responsibility for educating their children in the Catholic faith by their own example. Classes are offered monthly.
Requirements for Baptism
1) Apply 3 months in advance - please stop by the parish office to submit your application
2) Copy of the child's birth certificate
3) Interview with one of our priests or deacons.
To find out more about this wonderful journey, please call the Parish Office at (760) 564-1255.